Gather in “Omiya Bonsai Village”, the sacred land of bonsai

The Five Gardens

There are various kinds of plants, such as coniferous trees, deciduous trees and accessory plants, which are used for bonsai. Different bonsai are created through the skillful work and the aesthetic sense of the bonsai master engaged in the creation of those bonsai. There are five bonsai gardens in Omiya Bonsai Village, and you can enjoy various bonsai created based on each owner’s feelings.

  • 九霞園 Kyuka-en

    Isamu Murata

    Isamu Murata

    鬱金桜 Ukon-sakura(Prunus lannesiana)

    When you look at the ukiyoe paintings from the Edo Period, for example, you may be surprised to find these types of plants depicted in the artwork. Just as people enjoyed various types of plants then, we are culturing more than 300 kinds of bonsai ranging from our specialty of accemt plants to introduced species and garden plants. We are particularly careful about how we use scissors to trim the bonsai so that they look more natural.

    Youtube131 Bonsai-cho, Kita-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture,Japan

  • 清香園 Seikou-en

    Tomio Yamada

    Tomio Yamada

    黒松 Kuro-Matsu(Pinus thunbergii)

    It was founded during the Kaei period (1848-54) in Edo. The garden in Omiya Bonsai Village was set up in 1943. Preserving the taste and art of Edo, Seikou-en pursues the refined beauty and elegance of the season. Saika Bonsai, which is an original of this garden, is created so that the plants look charming and natural on the old tiles. Together with the traditional coniferous trees bonsai, we want to convey Saika Bonsai to future generations for a long time.

    Youtube268 Bonsai-cho, Kita-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture

  • 藤樹園 Toju-en

    Hiromi Hamano

    Hiromi Hamano

    真柏 Shimpaku(Juniperus chinensis)

    In this garden, a bonsai class has been held for general visitors since 1966, so that everyone can enjoy the cultivation of bonsai. For this reason, this garden makes a great number of the popular Goyo-matsu (Pinus parviflora) and small bonsai, so that everyone can have a bonsai aroucnd them. We hope you can listen to the voice of the bonsai and treat it like a pet, so that it is carefully nurtured for generations to come.

    Youtube247 Bonsai-cho, Kita-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture

  • 芙蓉園 Fuyo-en

    Hiroshi Takeyama

    Hiroshi Takeyama

    楓 Kaede(Acer buergerianum)

    Known as “The Garden of Deciduous trees” and “The Garden of Forest style” since ancient times, Fuyo-en places a lot of focus on deciduous trees and forest style. There are various kinds of deciduous trees which you can enjoy throughout the year – the fresh green leaves in the spring, the red leaves and harvest colors in the autumn, and the formation of branches in winter. A forest scene can be created if the trees are planted and arranged just right. While coniferous trees are masculine, deciduous trees are more feminine. So their soft and delicate appearance is especially appealing.

    Youtube96 Bonsai-cho, Kita-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture

  • 蔓青園 Mansei-en

    Hatsuji Kato

    Hatsuji Kato

    楓 Kaede(Acer buergerianum)

    Opened in 1925, this is the oldest garden in Omiya Bonsai Village. In this garden, we specialize in Sosaku (creative) Bonsai, creating scenery with depth using various kind of bonsai including Yezo-matsu (Picea jezoensis). The mood of the garden’s creator can be sensed throughout the garden: the elegance of the mountains and forest, the scenery of deep mountains and dark valleys, and Japanese aesthetic sense of “wabi” and “sabi”. We tend trees with a great deal of care in order to create a scene that people can enjoy for decades.

    Youtube285 Bonsai-cho, Kita-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture